Support the Site

Donation Model

This site and all its features are proudly provided to the community free of charge (and without ads)! However, there are costs (servers, etc) involved for me to keep it going. If you have found the site useful, and would like to show your appreciation and help with costs, you can throw a few dollars into the hat below!

Because I want to keep this site free to use and not have to resort to ads, I have decided to set up a donation model using a service called Buy Me A Coffee. This site allows you to either subscribe monthly at one of a few different tiers, or make a one-time donation. You do NOT need to make an account with Buy Me A Coffee in order to make a one time donation!

Site Usage Limits

In order to try to manage monthly costs of the site, I have decided to impose usage limits for certain features. Any level of subscription via Buy Me A Coffee (as little as $3 a month) will unlock unlimited usage of the site.

  • Scanner: 1000 calls/day (this includes live calls and replays)
  • Time Machine: 5 views/day

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Support the Site!

Hey there. Sorry to interrupt. I've seen you here a few times now, and I wondered if you're finding the site useful. If so, would you consider supporting it?

This site and all its features are proudly provided to the community free of charge (and without ads)! However, there are costs (servers, etc) involved for me to keep it going.

If you have found it useful, and would like to show your appreciation and help with costs, you can throw a few dollars into the hat below!