Hey there. Sorry to interrupt. I've seen you here a few times now, and I wondered if you're finding the site useful. If so, would you consider supporting it?
This site and all its features are proudly provided to the community free of charge (and without ads)! However, there are costs (servers, etc) involved for me to keep it going.
If you have found it useful, and would like to show your appreciation and help with costs, you can throw a few dollars into the hat below!
The first column of the Options modal contains checkboxes for a number of different data layers:
The middle column of the Options modal contains checkboxes for each of the main HF amateur bands. You can enable these individually or any combination of them to view recent spots on that band from PSK Reporter. This can give a real-time view of propagaion on a given band! Spotting data is refreshed on my server every 5 minutes, and the map should pick up the new data within a minute of the server refreshing. Down the road, more features will be added here, like seeing spots of your callsign, etc
The first column of the Options modal contains checkboxes for a number of different data layers: