Support the Site!

Hey there. Sorry to interrupt. I've seen you here a few times now, and I wondered if you're finding the site useful. If so, would you consider supporting it?

This site and all its features are proudly provided to the community free of charge (and without ads)! However, there are costs (servers, etc) involved for me to keep it going.

If you have found it useful, and would like to show your appreciation and help with costs, you can throw a few dollars into the hat below!


Welcome to the new! As you've probably noticed, a few things have changed around here. One of them is logins/accounts. The site is using a new login provider called Auth0. Unfortunately, your login from the old site will not work here. You will need to create a new one.

After dismissing this message, you will be redirected to Auth0 to login. If you haven't already, go ahead and register for a new account. Feel free to use the same email/password you did before, this is a completely new website.

If you have questions or have trouble, feel free to reach out with the contact form on the home page. Thanks for understanding, and welcome to the new site!